Medizinisches Proteom-Center

Under the direction of Prof. Dr. Katrin Marcus-Alic, the Medizinisches Proteom-Center is one of the world's leading institutes. Its research interest covers all medical areas as well as natural scientific fundamentals. The methods used, include gel- and chromatography-based separation techniques with subsequent mass spectrometry, protein biochips and innovative bioinformatics.


  • The RUB, the MPC and ProDi, together with the Pediatric Endocrinology, St. Josefs Hospital and Phosphatdiabetes e.V., are participating in the campaign "Light up for rare"
    The occasion is the international "Rare Disease Day" on which hundreds of monuments, landmarks and buildings of all kinds light up every year to commemorate people with rare diseases and their relatives.
    Flyer Rarediseaseday
  • De.NBI has published a COVID-19 brochure to present the current research in the de.NBI network regarding COVID-19.
    Read more
  • Proteomics and KI (Interesting lecture on proteomics and AI)


Lecture Series ++ Action Day ++ Succession Alliance

These events will take place at the end of February and beginning of March in the surroundings of the Ruhr-University Bochum.

© RUB, Marquard

Treating sepsis better with AI

More than 50,000 people die of sepsis in Germany every year. A digitization project aims to improve treatment and save lives.

© RUB, Marquard

Barbara Sitek builds a bridge from the campus to the clinical center

The biologist wants to improve individual diagnostics and therapy in intensive care medicine.

© Raphael Mueller, UK Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum

Artificial intelligence helps recognize proteins

Two projects aim to make protein analysis faster and more accurate.

© Julian Uzskoreit

think-cell partnership for academic institutions and non-profit organizations

The MPC uses think-cell to create presentations. think-cell is a presentation extension for Microsoft Powerpoint.


Prof. Dr. Katrin Marcus-Alic

Consultation: wednesdays 14.00 to 15.00


Ruhr-University Bochum
ProDi, Raum E2.272
Gesundheitscampus 4
D-44801 Bochum
Tel.: +49 234 32 18105
Fax: +49 234 32 14496

Consultation: Monday - Friday 10.00 to 12.00


How to find us

Research building Center for Protein Diagnostics (ProDi)

The Medizinisches Proteom-Center under the direction of Prof. Dr. Katrin Marcus-Alic is part of the research building ProDi. Since 2019 the MPC takes over the competence area Medical Proteome Analysis.